product introduction
Plastic Film Granualting machine is a facility which makes theplastic film which can be hot plasticizingdirectly into scraps andirregular granules . It can deal with the soft PVC and high &lowpressure polyethylene (LDPE HDPE) and polystyrene and other hotplasticizing plastic product or film to scraps and irregular granules.Italso can deal with the epispastic polypropylene .
AgglomeratingMachine/Agglomerator adopts friction heating principle , it cancrushing and granulating various kinds of plastic film all in once andmake film material into irregular granules so film material would geteasier to feed into extruding machine etc.
The film granunlating line details
Putting the big waste film scraps into machine body, the scrap is cutquickly into fragment by shearing of high speed turning-blade andfixing-blade.The fragment is flowing along the machine body's inner wallon the centrifugal effect of the turning knife . Under the high speedof friction between the material and the wall and the razor blade,itproduces a great deal of heat which makes the material temperature risequickly and makes the material go to half plasticizing state.
Beforethe materials become totally plasticizing and stick together , spraycold water into the material.When meets hot material,water will gasifyquickly and take away heat from the materail's surface.Thus thematerial's surface cools immediately and it won't form big blocks, thenthe material is cut into pieces and we get irregular scraps and granules. During the cutting process, you can also add appropriate pigment tocolor up according to demand.
This granules made by this machinecan be directly used for extruding machine and injecting machine.Incase that you need better quality material to meet the producingrequests you can use extrusion machine to treat them again .
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